
Save the Giraffe?

this ultra short news piece about a giraffe that wandered into a township says that the locals wanted to kill it for eating. the area has a significant food shortage. giraffes aren't endangered. so i think they should have let the people kill it and eat it. maybe peta will come get me for saying that, but really people should be allowed to eat stuff, even if it unusual.


forkev said...

i total think there should be reduced cruelty to animals, but if I have to choose between animal or human suffering, i think i'll eat the animal. IF it goes too far, people in power will care more about animals then people. that is retarded.

Daniel said...

P.E.T.A. => People Eating Tasty Animals.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of something I came across randomly on Snopes about dogs being imported by China for food. I particularly like the commentary about hypocrisy near the end.

Unknown said...

Sarahs dogs to china reminded me of another rumor i've heard. US's ex race horses being shipped to the UK or France, as horse meat tastes better over there.