
House bottom level

my mom wanted to see some pictures of progress on us unpacking the house... below is most of the bottom level. lets just say that progress is relavite (at least the stuff is out of the box even if it has kinda regurgitated everywhere.).

why my family is great

they know stuff and look stuff up for me.

moving always mean misplacing things--at least it does for me.

earlier when we moved we didn't have internet and we don't have a tv. and i wanted to know what the weather was going to be the next day. so i called my brother and he was my remote web browser. what makes my brother even more cool is that he looked it up for me while he was on a trip. yup, that is how cool my brother is. he was staying in a hotel in tennesee (i think) and he had brought a laptop along and had internet access. so even though i am sure he had way better things to do, he took the time to boot the lap top and play my internet. that's my awesome brother.

this morning i wanted to make waffles for breakfast. i haven't found my "joy of cooking" yet. yesterday i anticipated i'd want to make waffles so i looked on the internet for the recipe and while i found many that had "good reviews" they weren't what i wanted. the joy of cooking has never let me down for waffles--they are really good--and i wasn't up for messing with something that works so well. so i called up my mom this morning and she dropped what she was doing just so she could find the recipe and read it off to me. and she knew exactly that i couln't do without that recipe. i love that she knows me, and the recipe, that well.


Cat Recognition

i was browsing around looking at different cat doors. (we are putting one in the sash window in the living room for our cat, the one from the old house was for a different window size, shape so i was looking to see what else was out there.) ran across this very, very cool project where the cat door recognizes that the cat wants in and lets it in. like in these pictures.
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but then if the cat, flo, has some critter. say a mouse. the door locks and doesn't let the cat in. way cool. or if something else comes along, like a skunk, it is rejected too.
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i highly reccomend the website quantum picture, specifically the flow control project.