
Save the Giraffe?

this ultra short news piece about a giraffe that wandered into a township says that the locals wanted to kill it for eating. the area has a significant food shortage. giraffes aren't endangered. so i think they should have let the people kill it and eat it. maybe peta will come get me for saying that, but really people should be allowed to eat stuff, even if it unusual.


Stop the Junk (some of it)

so i know some of you, eh-em sarah, like playing the credit card games. but for the rest of us who are tired of getting pre-approved whatever you can opt out of the junk mail that originates from your credit bureau data by visiting www.optoutprescreen.com


Something to Reflect On Before Going to Teach a Class

Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices.
- Laurence J. Peter


The Floor

we've hit bottom... okay not really since the first floor is really the second floor but anyways we got a new floor. the old carpet in the halls was coming up and was definitely a safety hazard... long story end we have a new floor that we didn't choose. it was supposed to be white with random gray & maybe some blue tiles. instead we get the flag. okay well at least it isn't in the pattern of the flag, but the whole thing just reminds me of a grocery store. it also clashes quite horrendously with the ugly 80's mural near the g chem labs.



okay i'm officially out of my depth in stock. actually i know next to nothing about stock and honestly am not too interesting in learning right now... i'll leave that to keith.

today i looked at my yahoo portfolio and found that my BF is no longer listed. turns out that due to the expense of being listing on an exchange in the US they decided to stop trading over here. they still trade on the frankfurt exchange, apparently. good thing i plan on keeping it a while...