
into the middle of things

okay i debated on several things inside my head:
subjects of posts, frequency of posts, where i should start...
here's what i thought about/came up with
keith suggested that i put my dissertation up, he said he'd actually read it and edit it during his lunch time. this would be a major plus to me becuase then someone would actually give me some feedback in a written form (my advisor is big on talking, which i hate); since a lot of the stuff in the thesis hasn't been published yet, that might make posting it a little tricky.
so i thought about doing a spiritual type of postings, where i put up stuff i thought about in relation to God, religion, and such things; this means that i would be limiting myself in some ways.
what i came up with was random. yup, if i feel like posting something i will. if i deem it of interest i'll post some parts of my dissertation like the introduction which would have no likely conflicts; another day i might be provoked by a spiritual thought; or another day i just might think of something totally off topic from any other post. i know that my randomness may make my blog less readable to random people interested in specific things, but i don't feel like being thematic right now, so there!
frequency... sarah was doing so awesome providing distraction (although meaningful and helpful, it was still technically distraction since i read it at work) when she posted stuff everyday at her somethingepic.com blog but alas once a day is quite frequent and i am definately not up to being that disciplined. so i thought perhaps once a week i should try to get something up so at least i keep some sort of readership, if only my mom; yet even that feels like what if i have nothing to say? i am tempted to go random, but i know that will dwindle into thin to nothing. so i will try to do at least one post a week. if i have nothing from my life, i shall start with a sentence from a book and see where it will go for at least a paragraph.
finally i wondered what i should do about background and all that. well, its just too bad. people will have to pick up stuff from context, because i am too lazy to give background! =)

happy reading to any who do.

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