
Pronounciation? Bah!

i shouldn't have gone to the trouble of finding out how to pronounce the street name. the automated system at the power company pronounced it mis-cue rather than the correct mee-ehsk. no big surprise really. our rental house is on caballo dr. which is spanish for horse and should be pronounced cah-bi-yo but everyone says cah-ball-o.


k2h said...

I kind of like the butchered pronunciantion because it sounds like a female pool stick.

Sarah said...

Hehe. Makes me think of the Poudre River in Colorado which seems to be French in origin... everyone in the area says it "pooter" which just makes me laugh and laugh.

cynthy said...

Try living in Belle Fourche. French pronunciation. I hear 'bell[long e at end], four shay, and pronunciations i dont't remember. oh well.