
Fun Reading

i really enjoy reading snopes.com for misc. things that are likely to come into my inbox or just for fun. there's even a randomizer if you have enough time on your hands to read random things. the part that makes it particularly good is the writing. top notch. funny, thoughtful, and clear you always get a well written article there. today i looked at some of the newest articles and found one on aspartame as an ant poison (false). part of what made it so fun to read is that they actually bought some ant farms and grew their ants on aspartame. another article was about using your pin number in reverse at an atm to summon the police. well worth the read too--thoughtful and informative. and i really enjoyed the author's sign off
Barbara "neither Smith nor Wesson is known to prompt mental acuity in those they are pointed at" Mikkelson.

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