

i wish...
that keith had a job down here
that our house would sell
that we had our own place down here

it is getting frustrating that thinks aren't working out. making me think, what if? i wasn't supposed to take this job? i am not supposed to stay in this job? we have to stay apart for a long time?

maybe i should not be here... maybe i projected my will and made it "God's will"


forkev said...

I tend to have interesting prayers questioning God's will.
Example: our new crapper car. I prayed that it would still be available if it was God's will we have it. We get there, it's still there, and we take it for an enjoyable testdrive. the only thing NOT to like about the car is the color of the hood and some superficial scratches. we question our decision, I low ball an offer hoping to get out of buying it and he accepts, then he throws in 4 more tires in good shape and I discover he's selling the car basically what he paid for it AND he's done improvements. So, we're in a position asking ourselves if we want the prayer to be answered.

I say put some fleece out, and then over analyze the results. God will work with you.

Unknown said...

it is so hard sometimes. i wish your house would sell too. maybe now that interest rates are down and existing housing is selling better than new, it will sell. i continue to wonder why i wound up in the middle of nebraska for my last working years. i could have moved to witchita but just didn't have the will for it. it seemed to be a more unhappy place that pva. we are praying that things work out. the problem is how to figure out the signs. it is not always that clear.