
Bad Choices

it haunts me how many bad choices students make. they don't study. they don't show up on time to class or tests, they don't answer 10 questions on a 70 question multiple choice test with no penalty for guessing, they sleep with people who hurt them, they stay up late at night, they turn in papers late, they ignore generous hints, they wear revealing clothes (guys and girls) without understanding, they choose what they want to do based on money, they lie, they don't get help.

there are other students i'm so proud to have taught. the one who we gave a g. chem award to which meant a CRC handbook. the professors got thank you notes from that student and mine included a note about how the book had to be put in the closet since it was distracting from studying from finals. the student who earnestly asks questions because knowledge is desired rather than a grade. another student who pays attention, works hard, and doesn't try to pretend everything is fine when things are not. that student asked for help and will get an incomplete that i am sure will be made up as soon as possible. the student who says thanks for the help even when a C- is assigned.


Unknown said...

i can hardly imagine what type of revealing cloths the guys wear. thats creepy with a big fat C

Unknown said...

how about guys wearing shorts and then sitting improperly so you can see up to the crotch! or wearing sweat pants to class.