
Southwest a Bit Too Southern for My Comfort?

last weekend in flying to janell's wedding (which was great!) i heard some terms of endearment used improperly. at least i consider it improper.

on the way to the wedding i heard a 30 something woman working for southwest tell a 50ish man 'there you go sweetie." (on one level i found it amusing that a man was called this because so often it is just done to women.) and then on the return trip i heard everyone being called dear or such things when getting drinks.

now, this may be a southern culture thing. or maybe just a culture i am out of touch with. but i totally think that terms of endearment should be reserved for use by those you actually have a personal relationship with. i love it when grandma calls me dear. but someone taking my ticket? forget it. in retrospect i think on a number of southwest flights i have noticed this 'personalization' and so maybe they train everyone to say that so they don't have to use sir, ma'am or miss. (side rant... why another set of terms that identifies the womans state of marriage but not the man's) maybe southwest just hires people from a region where this endearing is considered normal. maybe i just am too sensitive... ya probably.

1 comment:

KAN said...

I’m so with you on this… it totally irks me when store clerks call me dear, honey or sweetie. Why must you do that?!

Or even people my own age who I barely know.

If you know my name or have access to it, call me by that. Otherwise just say miss or whatever.