

i confess that i am envious of two friends who ride bikes well enough to actually participate in events. i've never been good at bicycling and this past quarter i certainly haven't even come close to keeping in shape. if i ever do decide to take up biking i might do it by joining a team to go on a ride through team in training. apparently you get coached to do some momentous event and all you have to do is raise money for a good cause. i could get behind that. plus then i would get a more rapid rise to competency with the aid of professional coaching. yup i believe you work harder with someone telling you to work harder.


Daniel said...

Go for it :).

Anonymous said...

I've heard good things about the Team in Training events. I actually went to one of their meetings several years ago, and if I remember correctly (which I may not), Daniel wasn't interested in riding 100 miles on a bike. :)

If you have the inclination, I think that's a good way to go, with the added benefit of other beginners (in addition to experienced coaches).

Unknown said...

hahaha dan not interested in riding 100 miles on a bike. ya i guess that goes to show that if i really did just take the time to get into it i might like it as much as dan does now and then become the ardent pedal pusher.