
age discrimination

i ran into the site http://www.thingsyoungerthanmccain.com/ and found it funny and generally of like mind to me. i don't believe in age discrimination so i am not fundamentally opposed to having an older president. i do think that in generally older people have additional obstacles but there a wide varients on when old is old. there is a friend here who is approaching 80, but still a good thinker etc. mccain however i think shows his thought age more in this post linked to below than his physical age and i have to agree with the post that i'm not sure a person who chooses to not use a computer can be an effective president.

The computer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your right! it is shocking he does not use a computer. i may be behind the tech curve, but i do pay my bills on line and shop on line and do trip planning on line. i just received the train and bus schedules from cornwall, england after emailing the tourist center there.