

(this could possibly be considered as a comment to a post by sarah at somethingepic.com on spiritual warfare, but opted to put it as a totally new entry on my blog because i thought of it before reading her entry and i am not certain that it is of completely the same vein. on the other hand her thoughts help shape some of my questions, so you should read her post first.)

these are some quick numbers i came across. if someone has better information, please share.

afghanistan up to nearly 1000 dead and new deaths rarely get any news time anymore.
9-11 killed just shy of 3,000 (including wtc, all the planes hijacked, and the pentagon).
in iraq there are just over 1,300 american's part of the armed forces killed but over approx. 15,000 civilians dead.

yet all these numbers pale in comparison to the death toll estimate of 100,000 (that's right five zeros) for the tsunami.

what kills people more man's greed (for power, money, or whatever) or nature (which i was always told is God's second book)? what does that say about God? what does that say about what the mission of the church is?


Sarah said...

I think the mission of the church is (well, should be) to hurry up and do what God told us to so we can get the heck out of here.

Sarah said...

This post also addresses the issue:

forkev said...

inturesting point.

but what about the early warning system that could have been in place, AND the medicine we can afford but refuse to distribute to 3rd world countries (not necessiarly the tsunami victims) - i wonder how much those two elements contribute.

forkev said...

inturesting point.

but what about the early warning system that could have been in place, AND the medicine we can afford but refuse to distribute to 3rd world countries (not necessiarly the tsunami victims) - i wonder how much those two elements contribute.