
Coming Through at a Rapid Pace

watch it when you go to the hospital. if you get an MRI don't count on the people in the room to check for loose metal. the magnets in MRI's are very strong but people get complacent and forget things like small amounts of metal. these small and large pieces of ferromagnetic metals end up flying across the room and getting stuck to the magnet. check out this article at NY times and these pictures. i can't believe the government doesn't regulate this better.


Unknown said...

no, no, no, this cannot be true... this is an urban legend... this like the story of people using the cd drive on computers for a cup holder....

k2h said...

yeah.. i'm pretty sure the NY times and mrisafety.com are a hoax. =)

forkev said...

i like the floor buffer. i wonder if someone was in there.

Unknown said...

okay okay so maybe it is true but it is still really hard to believe that we haven't heard more about it. just really bizzare