

this morning, and almost every morning, i hear our cat trot across the carpet. it is a careful, friendly, inquisitive sound that i love to listen to as i wake up.
what sounds do you love?


forkev said...

certinaly NOT norman at 3:30am sharp as he starts to yell 'owwwwwww' right outside our door. he then claws the carpet out there for 1.5 hours (a little routine)

i can't make him be quiet, but i did manage to clip all the claws :)

Janell said...

I keep trying to think of my favorite sounds... The only thing I came up with was way back when I filled in for a week at Big Lake in the Corral... I had morning feedings one day and the Horses 'welcomed' me with soft nickers. But as for things now... I can't think of anything... but will keep trying to. :)