
Grilling, Microwaving, Meats, and Veggies

for those readers who grill meat, this article from ACS may be of interest. some basic things i found interesting.
1. carcinogens form at high temperatures from amino acids (basic builders of protein)
2. microwaving meat before cooking it on the grill helps reduce the formation of a particular carcinogen class called HCA (heterocyclic amines) [i've heard enough rumors about how "bad" microwaving is for foods and how it destroys vitamins and what-not so this a nice thing to hear.]
3. marinating meat protects it from some of the formations of carcinogens
4. don't poke it and let the juice run out of the meat
5. a good endorsement of plant matter making up most of the meal instead of meat is at the end of the article


k2h said...

if you grill your veggies on a grill that had fat drip on it, does this make your veggie cancerous?

furthermore, how long do you have to wait for the fat to burn off of the grill before its safe? is it once tarnished, always tarnished?

Unknown said...

i think that if you grill veggies on a fat dripped grill it probably becomes cancerous. what i thought was also unclear was if your veggies were smoked by the toxic smoke did they absorb the nasty?
i wonder how long it takes for the fat to turn into fairly harmless carbon? i dunno about the once tarnished always tarnished bit...

KAN said...

Weird, I was reading pretty much the same article, but it wasn't on ACS. It was like msn or a magazine or something...

It seems to me if you clean your grill like you should, it would take care of it and wouldn't remain as a problem.