
Nice People

it is nice to meet nice people. i'm probably not one of them most of the time, which tells me i should try harder to be one.

i just got done with a training meeting on using the chemtracker program to do chemical inventory. it could have been horrible and boring, but the guy was nice and did a good job, so it was reasonably enjoyable. he answered my questions which were probably kinda annoying because the whole thing was geared toward people who don't use a computer much and so i had more in-depth questions. he went through the whole thing even though i was the only person that showed up (the other person scheduled to come didn't show). at the end we talked a bit about misc stuff related to the storing of chemicals and he talked some about his experience in industry. he printed out a very helpful thing on how to categorize our chemicals. further, he said when i get around to looking for a job to let him know and he'd help anyway he could. which was super nice. we'd only met today after all. a good way to start a weekend, too bad i still have a half hour or so of work left.


Unknown said...

atta girl! i mention in my class at union---the one to get my nebr. teaching certificate--that my daughter was getting her phd in chemistry... quick as awink he asked if you were going into teaching....

he is teaching human relations which is really a class on multiculturism, or diversity etc... looking for people to diverse the teaching staff!!!!!

it is a nice campus....much prettier than ww's

just giving you a hard time.... i kow you are going into research.

k2h said...

I think she's going to research children =)

Unknown said...

hmmmm is this a hint that somebody is thinking about the baby clock? do i need to start knitting?

Unknown said...

news to me! =)