
Oil (the motor variety not cooking)

on friday we had to get two limbs out of our tree before they finished blowing out, which would result in something in our neighbors yard taking a hit. keith wanted to be manly, justifiably, and use a chain saw to cut the one limb that was clinging by a third of its former attachment. so he did things like put gas in and oil and what not and finally got it started. unfortunately the saw was quite used and didn't live up to its expectations of actually running longer than 3 seconds. so i went to pick it up somewhere in this process and got used oil on my jeans. not super dirty jeans, not even mostly dirty jeans, nope on one of my jeans that i call generally nice looking. serves me right, i should've changed when keith did... oh well. i washed them right away with some misc stain remover and it did a pretty good job. there is still a spot but it isn't horrible.

today i got my weekly, but not always on the same day, american chemical society newsletter. there was a brief blurb on this article about transforming polyethylene into a motor oil. this would be way cool in my opinion. hopefully then someone would also figure out that instead of dumping used oil into big containers at auto shops and what not, home recyclers could submit used oil in a polyethylene bottle for recycling and it may just work out all the way around. but probably not.


k2h said...

you forgot to mention that a battery powered saws-all was what got the limbs down. yup,,, BATTERY POWERED. how girly is that!

Unknown said...

how could a battery powered saw be better than just using a hand saw powered by a healthy buff young male?