
is it bad or not?

a while ago i recall hearing that the high temperature cooking of fried foods that are carbohydrates made a carcinogen (as if we didn't already know that fried foods were bad). but now it looks like it may not be that bad. well at least there is some doubt cast on the potential trouble maker, acrylamide. so continue eating those french fries and deep fat fried whatevers, the taste is worth the fat =).


k2h said...

expain why you no long think burnt oil turns to poison? I thought this only applied to olive oil. is olive oil different than corn in a poison kind of way?

Unknown said...

if you cook food in oil, make sure it is below its smoke point (see the cooking for engineers article). when an oil gets to hot the fats break down into nasty things and smoke.
acrylamide was thought to be a dangerous side product of cooking starches at high temperature even before the smoke point was reached. see the world health organization faq on acrylamide.