
Ground + Flag = Burn?

snopes.com is a wonderful place to find information that you need and didn't know you need. which is why i have the rss feed on my homepage. the writing and information are top notch and this morning i found a new page. it starts with:

"One of the signs of creeping old fogeyism is finding out how many of the irrefutable truths we learned as youths turned out to be false." what a great sentence! i love it. finish reading the at http://www.snopes.com/holidays/flagday/burnflag.asp.

1 comment:

k2h said...

I must admit I was one of the people that learned this in gradeschool. I always was at a loss to explain the contraditiction of burning the flag should be done when it touches the ground (it happens all the time) and burning the flag is also a sign of disrespect.

so make up your minds folks. is burning proper or improper. both sides can't use the same symbol.

I also found it interesting that burrying the flag was not mentioned. to me this would be another (more complex) method of respect, but if we did this, would it need a tomb stone?