
bank candy

so i remember when i was little-ish going to the bank and getting candy (jolly rancher or lolly pop). my current "local" bank for checking is bank of america. i needed to deposit a couple of checks today, so after work i headed over there. as i pulled into the lot i was worried for half a second that they were closed (since today is nevada day for all you non-nevadans). but they were open. i went in and filled out my deposit slips and then went to a teller to make the deposit. i know you can do this using an atm, but that would mean i don't get a chance to get candy. see, i know this bank makes a lot of money off of me since they give me some crappy interest rate like 0.03% (yes that is right). so i figure part of the perks of being part of this bank is the candy. so on the way out i didn't see the basket with the lolly pops on the counter of thier welcome desk. but i did spy it in the work area of the welcome person so i casually walked by and swiped myself a lemon lolly pop. mmm tasty. okay not the best candy ever, but it makes me feel a bit less ripped off.

1 comment:

k2h said...

i think the wrapper of the lollypop felt Ripped OFF!