

most people don't like b-days because they are getting older. me i don't care about that; most of the time i can't remember how old i am, though i think i am 26 now. what i do care about is awkward social situations. i don't like parties. fortunately keith isn't good at organizing such things. although we did go out to eat with his parents last night which was good. but it was bad because i think it was his mom, told the waiters to do their birthday singing thing. i just stared at the table. tried to say thank you at the end, but ughhh i hate that. just let me be non-important. don't make me try to be socially graceful. i know they were trying to be nice and say how much they love me, that is the only reason i endure things. just makes me wonder what i don't do for them that they wish i did for them or didn't do...


Janell said...

I hope you at least got free dessert out of it... :)

Unknown said...

hey i can't remember how old i am either...must be your fault!