
never work for NASA

if i were an engineer i don't think i would ever work for NASA. they have done some amazing feats, such as put men on the moon and send landable craft to mars. however when they screw up, it gets a wider audience. i love the screw up with genesis. this is a craft that was supposed to collect stuff from around the sun and then bring it back. the landing was most interesting. it was supposed to float down using a parachute and then a helicopter would come grab it out of the sky. unfortunately in plunged to the earth without its parachute and made a large dent in utah's soil. turns out that the initial investigation leaks are showing it was because a drawing was backwards, yes backwards. you think someone would have noticed... i guess this just goes to show that we shouldn't make things that are only subtly not symmetric. either be symmetric or be obvious you aren't.

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