
dave barry and my brother-in-law

so as some light reading i picked up "Boogers are My Beat" at the library. funny, inane, space filling blabber; a good light read. a couple things in this book reminded me of my brother-in-law, kevin. these were reminders of why it is a good thing i don't see kevin often. he's funny, but his non-stop yammering would definately get to me after a while. (no offense to his wife! who i think is a saint for loving that guy.)

in the introduction to the book, "... I'm at home, sitting in front of my computer in my underwear, trying to decide which animal name is funnier, 'hamster or gerbil.'1 1. Answer: 'weasel.'" now weasel sounds like kevin. in fact if i were to choose a log-in icon for kevin it would be a weasel that probably looked something like this not because i think kevin is a weasel, but because i think he would find so many things funny about weasels.

in a chapter about computers barry is talking about rebooting and says, "While my computer is busy, I scan my wart. I have a wart on my right leg. It has been there for many years. I call it Buddy." kevin would name a wart if he had one. further, kevin would talk about his wart to miscellaneous people and give them a full run down of its appearance (this would take roughly 5 hours) , if he could.

hurrah for kevin and his wacko random stories that are fully analyzed until the actual story disappears.
hey kev, what do you have cookin' for this thanksgiving's round of super stories?

1 comment:

forkev said...

in jen's defence of her caustic perspective of kevin, she has a lot of ammo that has been supplied. I tend to talk alot when people listen - so blame jen for listening.

i love the pic of the weasel. and i'm sure when my head is not stuck in a drawer at my desk, i'll think of something inturesting to say about it.

I tend to name many things, including the tapeworm I may someday have. Nelsy is the selected name. I've no warts, but maybe i'll seek one out so i can name it. that it an inturesting idea.
I've had cousins go as far as to draw on my chest and then name my outtie bellie button 'ed' after the hiyena on 'the lion king' - that was an inturesting thanksgiving.

When my computer is busy at home, i've recently found use for the time: mainly used to put the wheel backon the base of the chair as i'm too cheep to move beyond shopping in the dumpster for chairs.

I'll probably spend most of thanksgiving telling all about my new-to-me car and where the probably failure points are. Not nearly as inturesting as years past. unless of course something fails while i'm talking about it.